B-1861 Wolvertem, Merchtemsesteenweg 88
90 Merchtemsesteenweg
Welcome to Lagottokennel „di Sole e Terra
We would love to take you on a trip trough our Lagottoworld. The passion for the Lagotto Romagnolo took possession of us and only increased the last years as it is to see in our family and our home.
On the first place we are keeping Lagotti as domestic animals living together with our family. Therefor their character is very important to us in addition to a very sociable education and docility. Our dogs are living together with adults and children.
B-1861 Wolvertem, Merchtemsesteenweg 88 0 km
„Lino“ White-brown male born august 7 2015 at Mark Wouters (Be) HD/A - Eyes ...
B-1861 Wolvertem, Merchtemsesteenweg 88 0 km
Nonino di Sole e Terra JuniorCH Bel 2016. CH Bel 2017. „Nino“ Brown m...
B-1861 Wolvertem, Merchtemsesteenweg 88 0 km
JuniorCH Bel 2014, JuniorCH Lux 2015, CH Bel 2016. CH Lux 2016. „Sarko“ Brow...
B-1861 Wolvertem, Merchtemsesteenweg 88 0 km
Hurricane del Fatalbecco JuniorCH Bel 2014, JuniorCH Lux 2014 CH Bel 2015, „Uragano&...